Is the Red Cross a Neutral Symbol to Afghans?

Journalist Michael Yon has written about the cultural importance of our MEDEVAC helicopters showing Red Cross symbols on them in a Muslim society. Here is a photo of a poster displaying banned symbols From Yon’s article: An Afghan friend translates: *Destroying the cross is an Islamic obligation* 1. Christians want to publish and spread their … Continue reading

NATO Newsletter: NATO Medical Lessons Learned Newsletter, March 2011

NATO Medical Lessons Learned Newsletter “Analysis of medical lessons is an essential means to improve operational effectiveness. By identifying where medical support can be enhanced and by providing recommendations t0 NATO bodies and nations, the lessons learned (LL) process enables NATO t0 make best use of its collective knowledge and experience. However, the LL process … Continue reading


ALLIED JOINT DOCTRINE FOR MEDICAL EVACUATION Abstract This article concentrates on the policy that is available within NATO to support and coordinate the medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) process, for both NATO forces and for those agencies and bodies that choose to interact and operate alongside NATO personnel. NATO doctrine is coordinated and crafted by Allied Command … Continue reading Excellent Report of How a MEDEVAC Mission Can Run

Medical professionals in Afghanistan strive to treated wounded within ‘golden hour’ June 22, 2011 By Navy Lt.j.g. Haraz Ghanbari KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, June 22, 2011 — An air ambulance crew from Company C, 1st Battalion, 52nd Aviation Regiment, just finished their lunch in a small break room in southern Afghanistan when a nine-line medical evacuation, … Continue reading