Is the Red Cross a Neutral Symbol to Afghans?

Journalist Michael Yon has written about the cultural importance of our MEDEVAC helicopters showing Red Cross symbols on them in a Muslim society. Here is a photo of a poster displaying banned symbols From Yon’s article: An Afghan friend translates: *Destroying the cross is an Islamic obligation* 1. Christians want to publish and spread their … Continue reading

How the Army is slow to meet MEDEVAC Challenges in the 21st Century

This timeline shows important milestones in Army MEDEVAC operations in the 21st Century. On the left side of the timeline are Army/Army Medical Department actions, and on the right side are important reports and challenges faced by Army MEDEVAC operations. The history of the MEDEVAC units in the US Army is a long and proud … Continue reading

The real reason why Army MEDEVAC helicopters fly unarmed

Since the Vietnam War era, there has been a tension between the MEDEVAC force and the Army’s combat arms force. At the time MEDEVAC operated with functional autonomy on the battlefield as a Army Corps level unit. During that war when a request for MEDEVAC was received a helicopter was dispatched from the MEDEVAC fleet … Continue reading