Point-Counterpoint: 92% Casualty Survival Rate in Afghanistan

The Department of Defense defines Killed In Action (KIA) as someone who “is killed outright or who dies as a result of wounds or other injuries before reaching a medical treatment facility.” Someone who is wounded in battle and survives his wounds and is later returned to duty or transported to a higher level Medical … Continue reading

U.S. Army Chief PAO: Army statement on MEDEVAC issue

WASHINGTON (Jan. 20, 2012) — Statement by the Chief Public Affairs Officer – U.S. Army “Recent news items about the use of Army medical evacuation, or MEDEVAC, helicopters in Afghanistan contain troubling information. The reporting suggests that putting red crosses on MEDEVACs, and not arming them somehow, is putting injured Soldiers’ lives at risk. The … Continue reading

CBS Evening News: Did a military rule cost a soldier’s life?

Did a military rule cost a soldier’s life? January 19, 2012 4:51 PM On a September night in Afghanistan, a wounded American soldier died waiting to be evacuated. David Martin reports on a military rule that could have contributed to the soldier’s death. The CBS Evening News video report can be viewed here:  Did a … Continue reading