Send us your insights into how MEDEVAC services are working today

We are interested in publishing information about how the military MEDEVAC/CASEVAC services are working in 2017. Tell us about the advances and improvements you have experienced. What is static and what is regressing?

Have an interesting photo or mission story to recount? Send it along. Is it a published story? Include the link.

Please provide as much information as you can. What are the best sources available today to get honest assessments of how this vital capability is working? We have tried to this point to use official or peer reviewed sources for all our posts, so (if possible) citing your sources would be helpful. If it is a personal experience or impression that is great, too – we’ll just need to know that. We will always honor requests for anonymity – just let us know that you wish to remain anonymous.

To restate: We have only the highest regard for those involved directly with providing MEDEVAC/CASEVAC and medical services to the wounded. However, where necessary, we hope that airing shortcomings in leadership, policies, equipment and training will yield improvements.

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(Information about non-American military MEDEVAC/CASEVAC units are welcomed.)

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