
This site recommends changes to those policies of the U.S. Army in Afghanistan that work at cross purposes with

  • Achieving the fastest possible evacuation of wounded troops from the battlefield to a medical treatment facility, and
  • Providing the best possible pre-hospital medical care to the wounded troops.

Reasoned discussion and comments are encouraged, especially by those with actual firsthand experiences in providing medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) or casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) services in Afghanistan. There may be cases where individuals with similar experience disagree about which, if any, changes are wise. But all points of view will be welcomed and respected.

The site owner conducts his own research into the issues involved in improving the MEDEVAC capabilities of the U.S. Army. His sole mission is to encourage changes in U.S. Army policies that will reduce the number of unnecessary deaths among wounded American and ISAF troops in Afghanistan.

Praise for Service Members Conducting MEDEVAC/CASEVAC Missions

Underlying all of this effort is a profound respect for and admiration of those men and women who conduct the medical rescue missions in Afghanistan. Nothing on this site should be construed as diminishing their efforts, commitment and courage. We feel that the best way to honor their service is to make sure that the Army leadership does everything within its power to train, equip, support and lead them to the highest professional level possible.

While from time to time there will be glowing posts about the work and accomplishments of MEDEVAC crews, the primary purpose of this site is to point out egregious examples of where Army leadership has failed these crews through inaction or deed.


Please inform us of any errors you find on this site. It would be helpful if in doing so, you can direct us to published sources of information confirming the correct information. Under the Take Action menu item is a Contact Us form which can be used for that purpose.

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