American Thinker: Army MEDEVAC Choppers Travesty

By Robert J. Mack

“Why are MEDEVAC helicopters (commonly called “Dustoffs”), carrying our wounded troops to safety in Afghanistan, being put at enormous risk by the U.S. Army?  Why is the Geneva Convention cited by them for their actions?  With every second precious when soldiers are wounded, it is a travesty that the Army will not change its policy concerning these choppers.


…  Since every minute counts, it is ridiculous that these helicopters are delayed waiting for armed choppers to accompany them.  In addition, the MEDEVACs are sitting ducks for the enemy to fire on once they get to the battlefield.  The ironic and baffling part of this recalcitrance on the part of the Army is that the Marines, Air Force, and the British do not subscribe to the Army’s procedure.  These armed services have removed the red crosses and have equipped their MEDEVAC helicopters with machine guns to save lives.

It is an old cliché that bureaucracy kills. Sadly, this has literally come true. The U.S. Army insists on keeping red crosses on their rescue helicopters and refuses to arm them, …

People have begun to take action about this critical situation.  Here is part of a heartfelt letter to Senator Chuck Grassley, with a copy to Senator Tom Harkin, from Jordan Schneider, founder and secretary of the Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone Scholarship Fund.  In that letter, Ms. Schneider requests:

“As your constituent and as the wife of a Marine who was at the Pentagon on 9-11, I implore you to support Senator Kyle and to bring together all your colleagues from the Senate in resolving this matter post haste.

“Moreover, I encourage you not to listen to the Officer desk jockeys at the DOD who have no knowledge of the situation on the ground in Afghanistan; but instead to directly contact Senior Officers on the ground in Afghanistan, their NCOs and Michael Yon [a very well respected former member of the Army and international photo journalist] to clarify any questions that you may have.

“America’s military does not leave its wounded or dead behind, and we should not let our wounded die due to DOD bureaucracy and ego

“This is critical situation with a simple fix.”

Indeed, it is critical, and it is simple to fix with the help of those in Congress. Americans should contact their senators and representatives to ask them to demand that the Army do the right thing and modify their MEDEVAC choppers immediately. In that same communication, constituents should solicit their representatives and senators to alert their colleagues in the House and Senate to do the same. Our wounded and their families await Congressional action. We can’t let Army bureaucracy kill any more of our young men and women.”

The entire article can be read here.

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